adesso Blog

Software Development

Seit Spring Boot 2.3 werden detaillierte Fehlermeldungen aus Sicherheitsgründen standardmäßig unterdrückt. Das Frontend benötigt aber oft spezifische Fehlerdetails, um eine gute User Experience zu gewährleisten. In diesem Blogbeitrag zeige ich, wie du in Spring Boot Fehlerdetails sicher und gezielt an das Frontend weitergeben kannst - ohne die Sicherheit deines Projekts zu gefährden. In meinem Blog-Beitrag erfahrt ihr, wie ihr mit @ControllerAdvice, ErrorAttributes und Annotations eine maßgeschneiderte Fehlerbehandlung implementieren könnt.

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Artificial intelligence is developing rapidly and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) in particular has attracted a lot of attention recently. Large language models such as ChatGPT show their full potential when they are enriched with domain-specific knowledge through RAG. Despite this potential, users often face challenges. In this blog post, we look at the transition from basic to advanced RAG approaches and show how typical problems can be overcome.

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Inside adesso

adesso is known for its progressive and flexible working culture, which is strongly focussed on the development and promotion of its employees. An outstanding example of this is my personal experience with the individual support that enabled me to complete the Chamber of Trade's Business IT Specialist programme. I describe my experiences in my blog post.

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In the ever-evolving world of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an indispensable tool that is revolutionising various industries. One of the most fascinating applications of AI can be found in the field of design. AI-driven design offers new possibilities for the (interaction) design of software products and is changing the way we look at creativity and innovation. This blog post looks at what AI-Driven Design is, how it works and the benefits it offers specifically for healthcare applications.

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Inside adesso

ECO:DIGIT is a research and development project with the participation of adesso, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. The aim is to develop and standardise a uniform methodology for the automated life cycle assessment of distributed software systems and to implement an accessible and productive software system. I explain what this looks like in detail in my blog post.

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The first two parts of my blog post dealt with the general opportunities and challenges of AI, specific applications of generative AI and AI in the various phases of the customer journey. In the third and final part, I take a closer look at the future developments of AI in the insurance sector.

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Software Development

Microservices are a prevailing trend in software architecture that breaks down large systems into independent units. They offer advantages, but are not always necessary. Alternatively, a modularised monolith can be useful, especially if the boundaries between microservices are fluid. In this blog post, I will discuss modularisation concepts in the Java ecosystem, with a focus on Spring Modulith.

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The energy transition in Germany and Europe poses major challenges for the electricity grid, as renewable energies are dependent on the weather and lead to fluctuations in feed-in. In this blog post, I examine whether Bitcoin mining can help stabilise the grid as a flexible load by using times of energy surplus and shutting down quickly when needed.

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This blog post was written as part of the GenAI Solutioning Unit. In it, we show that there are various ways to specialise a language model on a domain-specific basis. This is important for advising our customers and is aimed at anyone interested in GenAI.

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