adesso Blog


30.08.2024 By Uwe Pohlmann

Small helpers, big impact

Picture Uwe Pohlmann

In the world of Industry 4.0, efficient and reliable data is the be-all and end-all. But what do you do when standard solutions are not enough? Then you need a customised solution. In my blog post, you can find out how a new OPC UA client with DuckDB integration was created and what impressive benefits it offers in production.

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Software Development

Seit Spring Boot 2.3 werden detaillierte Fehlermeldungen aus Sicherheitsgründen standardmäßig unterdrückt. Das Frontend benötigt aber oft spezifische Fehlerdetails, um eine gute User Experience zu gewährleisten. In diesem Blogbeitrag zeige ich, wie du in Spring Boot Fehlerdetails sicher und gezielt an das Frontend weitergeben kannst - ohne die Sicherheit deines Projekts zu gefährden. In meinem Blog-Beitrag erfahrt ihr, wie ihr mit @ControllerAdvice, ErrorAttributes und Annotations eine maßgeschneiderte Fehlerbehandlung implementieren könnt.

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Artificial intelligence is developing rapidly and Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) in particular has attracted a lot of attention recently. Large language models such as ChatGPT show their full potential when they are enriched with domain-specific knowledge through RAG. Despite this potential, users often face challenges. In this blog post, we look at the transition from basic to advanced RAG approaches and show how typical problems can be overcome.

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Projects are often faced with numerous challenges, but sometimes these go far beyond the usual and jeopardise the entire project. This is where the implementation of a "task force" can be the key to success. In my blog post, you can find out how these specialised teams use their agile expertise and professional diversity to overcome critical problems and get projects back on track.

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Sustainability in occupational pension schemes encompasses far more than ecological responsibility - it stands for good corporate governance, social responsibility and employee development. But what does sustainability in occupational pension schemes mean in concrete terms, especially for insurers and pension providers? And how can IT contribute to achieving their sustainability goals? Answers to these questions and more in my blog post.

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Organisations and individuals face the challenge of effectively directing their energy and attention in a world of constant change and uncertainty. The Circle of Influence is a concept that can help you to focus on the things you can really influence, thereby increasing your effectiveness and satisfaction. I explain what this concept is all about in my blog post.

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The need for a constant energy supply has increased and a reliable energy supply is essential for survival. The reduction of fossil fuels brings challenges such as fluctuating grid utilisation and electricity prices as well as the need to redesign the infrastructure. Data and AI can play a crucial role in overcoming these challenges. How these technologies can be utilised is the topic of this blog post.

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Inside adesso

adesso is known for its progressive and flexible working culture, which is strongly focussed on the development and promotion of its employees. An outstanding example of this is my personal experience with the individual support that enabled me to complete the Chamber of Trade's Business IT Specialist programme. I describe my experiences in my blog post.

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In the ever-evolving world of technology, artificial intelligence (AI) has become an indispensable tool that is revolutionising various industries. One of the most fascinating applications of AI can be found in the field of design. AI-driven design offers new possibilities for the (interaction) design of software products and is changing the way we look at creativity and innovation. This blog post looks at what AI-Driven Design is, how it works and the benefits it offers specifically for healthcare applications.

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