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The evolution of technology shapes both user preferences and habits, which demands designers keep up with trends and always find innovative ways of designing experiences. As digital product teams grow and projects become more complex, designers are now being valued for their capabilities of openness for collaboration and team enablement.

adesso Lime team, for example, define themselves as “a bridge connecting customers, users and dev-teams.” Based on this notion, digital products they built tend to be more convenient and pleasant to use.

The success of a digital product can be characterized through the synchronization of “design” and “experience” requiring the orchestration of different teams, different capabilities.

What design teams need are innovative angles, more user research and testing, stronger feedback loops, an open and collaborative environment to better communicate with developers and maybe even a chance to adopt agile principles for creation processes.

“experience design” trends…

1- Minimalistic UI Design

Minimalism is one of the classic design trends that will continue to be popular this year as well. Since the volume of the information we have to digest every day is constantly growing, users now tend to avoid visual noise and choose interfaces that are elegant and hold large white space areas. This trend is also getting linked with a tendency for buttonless design.

At least now designers and developers will argue less over the placement of buttons.

2- Story-Based UI Design

It is a well-known fact that storification has a long-lasting, positive impression on human memory. Besides, it also creates deeper connections and improves engagement with the addition of human touch.

Creating a remarkable user journey is often thought only in terms of user experience (UX). However, user interface (UI) designers can also play an essential role in the storytelling process. To be exact, UI designers can implement stories for a better experience through the use of color, typography, animation, and interactive design.

3- Device Synchronization

While users are surrounded by so many smart devices like smartwatches, wristbands, televisions and speakers, it is inevitable to synchronize these devices among themselves.

Synchronized smart devices allow users to continue where they left off and complete tasks in the most convenient way, wherever they want or manage their environment just by voice-control. This kind of flawless experiences seem to continue evolving in the upcoming years.

4- Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence (AI) remains one of the most popular and intriguing technology trends in 2020. Chatbots, for instance, have become widespread in recent years and are striking real-life examples of AI used in end-user products.

Chatbots, integrated with messaging apps automate business processes from simplified data analytics consumption to understanding user behavior.

Conclusion: Breaking silos in business requires a shift from an “island” mentality to a “squad” mentality— a familiar concept for Agile methodologies. Rather than having business, development and design teams work as separate entities, organizations should focus on creating a safe space for collaboration regardless of titles or departments.

Reframing the design process in different ways and switching to a squad mentality calls for a facilitator who constantly shares knowledge, skills, and workflows, and promotes integrated collaboration.

In line with our “design for people from people” motto, the adesso Lime team focuses on analyzing and understanding the customers’ business and strategy. We always put the user at the center, identify their particular needs through user research and usability tests to produce creative, unique and implementable solutions. In order to integrate the latest technologies and trends, we also collaborate with developers, testers, consultants, tech-leaders and product owners.

Picture Pelin Mounier  Güngörmüş

Author Pelin Mounier Güngörmüş

Pelin Mounier Güngörmüş, Head of UX UI - Technology Lead adesso Turkey

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