Sustainable Banking

Environmental, Social and Governance

The sustainability megatrend is having a significant impact on the banking landscape in Switzerland, bringing with it both challenges and opportunities. The realignment of internal strategies, business models, products and services, as well as the transparent integration of a sustainability strategy, is becoming essential for banks. This will have an impact not only on customer loyalty, but also on their attractiveness as employers in a country known for its environmental awareness.

These challenges require a transparent and actionable approach to develop individual strategies and concrete measures. We are here to help - with a pragmatic approach that links the relevant areas for action with customer-focused value and business benefits.

Customized ESG consulting framework

Discover our customized ESG consulting framework, specifically developed for the Swiss banking market. Immerse yourself in a world of sustainable financial solutions that not only fulfill your environmental and social responsibilities, but also strengthen your financial performance. We offer you a pioneering strategy to optimize ESG integration in your business model and identify opportunities that will put your bank at the forefront of tomorrow's green economy.

Regulatory requirements and reporting

Find out how our CO2 Green Audit is revolutionizing the Swiss banking industry. Immerse yourself in a world of sustainable financial solutions and discover how we can help you quantify and reduce your carbon footprint and fulfill your environmental responsibilities. With our customized approach, you can not only measure your environmental impact, but also develop innovative strategies to put your bank on a green course and have a positive impact on the future of our planet.

Digitalization in the Finance industry

In the changing landscape of Swiss banking, navigating the complexities of digitalization is crucial. From tackling stringent regulatory demands to modernizing outdated systems, the challenges are diverse. As your digital business partner, we're here to guide you through.

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Do you have any questions?

No website and no brochure can replace a personal conversation about your goals and issues. I look forward to hearing from you.
