Manage customer contact

Chatbots and telephone bots reduce the burden on customer service - without reducing customer satisfaction


Exchanging information, staying up to date, talking to each other - in times of crises, communication is even more important. Your customers are also insecure, have questions or want to adjust current contracts. At the same time, closed shops ensure that classic social contact points and shopping opportunities are eliminated. Consequently, consumers are increasingly using telephone hotlines as a means of obtaining information and ordering.

This results in longer waiting times, which in turn drives customers into communication channels such as social media channels or instant messaging. As a result, the pressure on your service increases from all sides.

Companies cannot simply increase call centre capacities at will. However, a well-thought-out information process for customers helps to channel inquiries and thus relieves your employees. adesso supports you in this process from information design to optimised customer journeys to implementation:

  • 1. The website is the first starting point for interested parties. When correctly designed and structured, they will find the required information already here.
  • 2. In the next step, companies can present typical inquiry scenarios in the form of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) or a knowledge base.
  • 3. In communities, customers help each other. If necessary, moderators coordinate the requests.
  • 4. Some requests can be taken over by chat or telephone bots. The AI-based dialogue systems are particularly useful for standard topics.
  • 5. In the next stage, AI technologies help to classify the content of requests. Thanks to Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods, applications interpret the contents of texts, automatically complete information such as order history and assign the case to the corresponding case manager.
  • 6. Ideally, the service employee should only be called in when customers are not able to solve or process their concerns themselves with the support offered up to this point. The better the information design at the first stages, the fewer customers actually need to be served personally.

Some of these elements such as websites are often already available. Now it is important to introduce the necessary additions and extensions at high speed to relieve call centers.

Providers like Salesforce, SAP or Microsoft offer out-of-the-box solutions to set up and implement such processes in just a few days.

adesso combines this with its own tools, for example for setting up, training and operating chat bots. Within a few weeks our experts set up a system which noticeably relieves your service - in acute times of crisis and beyond.

Do you have questions?

Your contact person

Hansjörg Süess

T +41 58 520 97 10

Speed is essential. And accuracy. Together with you, we implement measures that help acutely and are sustainable in the long term. Our experts will contact you immediately.


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