Digital tools within customer contact

Chatbots and telephone bots reduce the burden on customer service - without reducing customer satisfaction


In the current crisis, call centers are the linchpin of communication for many companies. In many places, employees and infrastructures are overloaded. Instead of receiving the information they need, callers listen to music left on the waiting queue. AI-based bots - chat bots as text or telephone bots as a voice alternative - help you to process inquiries and relieve the service at the same time.

A bot allows for dialogue with customers. For many people this is more interesting and also easier than searching for information on static websites on their own.

We implement bots as a cloud service for you within a very short time, which you can easily integrate into your processes. Simple requests can be answered directly by the applications, complex ones will be pre-qualified and forwarded to the right person within your company.

With Chatbot as a Service (CaaS) and Telephonebot as a Service (TaaS) we offer you all-inclusive packages. These include services and technologies for the development and deployment of bots. Thus, the functions and advantages are available to you within a short time.


  • A workshop - via web conference, of course - to define and coordinate the content
  • A chatbot platform - including interface - for independent maintenance of the bot content by your employees
  • Deployment of the DSGVO-compliant platform in the IBM cloud in Frankfurt am Main
  • Fast modelling of bots by adesso experts
  • Coaching and support for the further maintenance of the contents or for setting up further bots

Do you have questions?

No website and no brochure can replace a personal conversation about your goals and issues. I look forward to hearing from you.


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